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Internetový publicista provozující AKA-MONITOR ISSN 1804-042X www.akamonitor.cz,.


Risk Attitutes in PM

Problematika rizika je neoddělitelně spojena s projektovým managementem. Přehled v oblasti risk-managementu proto představuje důležitou součást kvalifikace každého projektového manažéra. Z toho vychází Cornelius Fitcher, PMP, který provozuje portál věnovaný přípravě PM odborníků. Na svém portálu www.pmprepcast.com nabízí bohatou nabídku - dnes již 63 lekcí, které prezentuje svým klientům ve formátu MP3, tedy jako podcasty. Poslední, 63-tí je věnován právě přístupu PM k problematice rizika.
Cituji z nabídky:
"A Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives. There are many hard tools out there that tell you how to identify your risks, how to quantify them, how to define their impact on the project and what you can do in order to avoid or mitigate them. But how do you and the stakeholders on your project react to risks? Do risks frighten you or do they invigorate you? And what risk approach will a frightened project manager take versus the approach that an invigorated one takes? This discussion is at the core of Risk Attitudes. We are honored to welcome Janice Preston, PMP, on our program today to explore the four basic risk attitudes. Janice was a contributor to the risk section of both the 1996, 2000 and 2004 version of the PMBOK Guide and as such very qualified to look into this with us. As always we have Helpful Resources that complement this interview. If you are currently studying to take the PMP exam, then listen in to this episode and learn how you can win a free, one-year subscription to our sister podcast The Project Management PrepCast™, where you can learn the tools & techniques you need to know in order to prepare to take the PMP exam.
Regards,Cornelius Fichtner, PMPHost of The Project Management Podcast™ & The Project Management PrepCast™
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